Place them a short distance away from Health Packs instead of directly on top of them to prevent foes from easily spotting your Translocator.

Health Pack locations are some of the best areas to place your Translocator as they provide you with an immediate burst of healing after disengaging from a fight. Always keep this tip in mind, as it can potentially save you and your team from getting eliminated. You can use Hack to interrupt foes' channeled abilities like Reinhardt's Charge and Pharah's Barrage. Doing this significantly improves your team's survivability while preventing your foes from using Health Packs. Hack Health Packs Out of CombatĪs Sombra, make it a habit to Hack health packs near your allies and behind enemy lines while outside of combat. Prioritize taking down Supports to remove the enemy team's sources of healing and survivability, and ability-reliant Heroes like D.Va and Tracer mitigate the threat they pose. Use Stealth to maneuver around the battlefield and Hack key enemy targets while invisible to prevent them from using their abilities and easily take them down. Stick to flanking and fighting foes in close and medium ranges to maximize your damage output while playing Sombra. Sombra's Machine Pistol has a substantial amount of bullet spread and also suffers from damage loss over long distances. Use voice communication or the game's Countdown ping to inform your teammates about injured key enemy targets so they can focus them down. Opportunist allows Sombra to see enemies with half-health and below through walls, with severely-injured foes showing up as red silhouettes. How to Play and Tips Inform Your Team of Injured Foes